Sunday, November 20, 2016
holidaze 2016: of thee i sing
of thee i sing...
…the flesh has a pleasure in mind but
if we let go and allow that simple truth
evolve by accepting these manners for
wholesome endure being much greater than
any adverse political folly brought to bear fruit
from the tree of conquer, swindle, rape and
suffer, which is the solid legacy of what he
spoke to me, as if to provoke my more than
thorough and to give a soft or hard repose or
perhaps what thought
I listened and recall, thus, my children…
"amerika the exceptional amerika the crossed
fingers behind it's back amerika the bloody
witness who begs foregivness, lier amerika with
smallpox infested blankets of relief, amerika
the hoodwinked bearing trust in god forced upon
ab-originals original being here and what did
they ever do to deserve this, amerika the empire
of white land owners who stole and now author
a piece of paper to keep it all proper and justified
and legal for gens to come amerika with it's
rifles and bulldozers amerika the always
ready to sign away your rights amerika your
land is our land amerika we will take what our
God has granted us - safe passage and approval
to pilfer from your grandfathers' grandfathers
amerika incorporated and stolen as was always
intended amerika the banks have spoken from over
the other side of the vast waters from within the
monarchs' vagina and through the patriarchs' penis
and their sons' penis's penis' as was their god's chosen
people's penises to take as they please due to cunning
smear and deceit because they fuckin' can amerika and
keeps it's dirty secrets of gain hidden in shadows of
every soul taken in bloody wrath amerika the forefathers
intent being rich white sons of bitches to keep their
heirs in peanuts and cotton and oil and land rights
taken forever and forever and prize your guns amerika
because we have all the bigger guns and all the plenty
guns and all of our god's guns as our lawyers make it
so and all of the well OIL'd machine to press you until
you've understood amerika all bought and paid for
congress all bought and paid for politicians all bought
and paid for legislative bodies in robes like the KKK'deluxes
who still drive that engine of despair for all those brought
to bare both black and brown the corporate revolving door
shills of my country tis of thee amerika pockets deepest
all bought and paid for in the most EVIList, EVIL supreme
court amerika the presidential representative puppet whose
strings are pulled by ages old monies gens of bankers amerika
so keep the illusion alive and vote, for it is not who votes
it's who counts the votes amerika and there will never be a
time that you forget the name of your jailer amerika that
is where we rule you amerika the New World Order and
now the only world for Full Spectrum Dominance say it's
name on your knees bitch, SHOUT IT! amerika pick my
cotton work my fields DO MY WILL BE DONE build
my railroad drill my oil do as I say or you will know pain
beyond words amerika for I am your true WHITE DEVIL
and I will burn down your house with your children within
amerika and I will rape your wife and her mother's mother's
mother until I get my MONEY and I will spit on your every
generation amerika set my table amerika cook my meals
amerika taste my food that makes you ugly and obese and
then gives pause to buy more insurance and pay for much
expense in medicines to rot in stink of my inc. hospitals' slabs
and pay your debt to me pay your debt pay your insane interest
to me always always and always will you pay of thee i sing
amerika pay me back through your soul if not then rot ever
after in my cells of woe with all the other filth that you
deserve a part of as for me to stand my ground upon
you would otherwise not need amerika light my cigar
from your hands ablaze from working in my slave labor
corporations amerika give me your interest payments as
debt is the slave that pays me very well amerika my rules
forever posted on the walls of my many mansions amerika
wash my feet as you genuflect amerika wash my balls
as you yell you rebel dog scum amerika and wash my ass
amerika suck on my prick of freedom amerika lick my
boots make them shine amerika lick my flag and give sweat
to me your taxes amerika bust all the unions for me and steal
your pensions amerika destroy all articles in the bill
of rights what rights, not yours - Mine amerika well you
gave us these gifts didn't chew didn't you didn't ya'll
- and now we have given our plan to you our version
of the utmost perverted form of democracy ever
devised by RICH WHITE MEN and will evermore be
Empire that is amerika and if you act now all your
land can be ours if the price is right and the price paid
is what we will freely take for it is rightfully ours
IN GOD WE TRUST that bestowed upon us what is
and will always be rightfully ours or so our army
of slaughterers and mercenaries and Lawyers has granted
us on this day as our daily bread amerika so help me god
Amen you heathen savage brown-skined mother fuckers
to just go die in your puddles of shit and blood and
eugenic waste while we can live our lives in golden towers
built without guilt gated and army'd by paid butchers
amerika from every mountainside of thee i sing…"
this he told me…
and I walked away un-nerved, but I keep Love close
with me always, in my heart, for my fear is none, just
knowing how inept his Time is both here and in the after…
keep Love with you always, my children, as it will guide
you and protect you.
of thee I sing…
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
Embrace your yearns
Embrace your yearns
for the bravado played by elites to
get the Him in was played beautifully
(if such a word can be described in this
un-holy context).
Yo, don, may your dick be hard and your
accountants free of jail forever as you
ejaculate on bill/hill faces of death to
prescribe the one the owners wish given.
And may the owners ever own, and all
who join them in their orgy of our pain,
my pain, your pain, forever to rule over
our sorry asses for we left the what gives.
May the zionistas revel in their cause
as suffering gives supreme justice
and may we all remember how this
will bring it all down when children ask.
Tuesday, November 8, 2016
election day 2016
Embrace death...
accept the royal bitches con
marvel at the script played by
the joker of new yorkie city
and the money the R&R's will
bequeath him for his service as
the boxer who takes the fall.
He will surely pass.
And accept the royal queen bitch
of Mutually Assured Destruction
as they fuck in their bunkers while
we, the proletariat writhe in pain.
And when it's all done, they emerge
with sword and champagne in hand
to begin their begin again.
To what end is the real mystery.
I guess they really think they
are the chosen ones.
So, embrace death... for our only hope
and escape, is back to the source for
yet another sphere.
Sunday, October 30, 2016
Also won, also lost was a Time for
Also won, also lost was a Time for
give and take among our lovers in
freedom and chosen purpose of
In Kind with heaps of do-goodery.
Saturday, October 22, 2016
What convictions?
What convictions?
don't cause frictions
in any jurisdictions
our afflictions
from their dictions.
Make our wishes
like the fishes
free from dishes
not duplicitous
not fictitious
all delicious.
Sunday, October 9, 2016
Floating now, forever brisk
Floating now, forever brisk
in movements like skating
on ice… Ah winter, my
favorite season of discontent
or dat - content, but all-ways
counting tracks in the snow
of Time's descent captures
annulment as summer's index
… What joy we had there
what frolic and mirth
to add a so-on to the
visions of corduroy girls
and pea-coated boys… By
spring, we await New
saviors and honey.
Monday, September 19, 2016
Fuck your fReEd0m
Fuck your fReEd0m
fuck your flag and fuck your
sister on your porch texting
her stupid in iraq about how
much her vag-J-j aches for
his riches full of come and
dumb is what you are.
Fuck your h0lIdAzE of burnt
meat and hollow values shown
about what bravery is when it's
only cowards who follow orders
to invade sovereign nations to
rape their women kill their
children steal their resources.
Fuck your günZ and gAmEs
and fly overs of weapons
amassed beyond your understand
of the games unleashed for profit
in your kept unclean serious for
your solace is not without merit
as the owners profit on our divisions.
Fuck your mOthErfUckIng cEos and
tax free billionaire douchebags with
their fake tax break philanthropy evil,
vile, despicable men like bros Cock
and rock-o-fell and all the other little
eichmanns and their submissive who
tow lines for suckles on their gods tit.
Sunday, September 4, 2016
too much hate between the tribes in
too much hate between the tribes in
-side with masses for context here
could be virtue that rarely happens.
color matters none we stand together
divided we fall make peace with each
all us in this kettle hand in hand.
should elite swine ever face us on our
home standings they will perish at
the hands of only fates allowed.
gather your neighbors from near and
far to offer the way of understand for
if not the risk is greater than you bear.
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
Nothing More
Nothing More
Nothing more repugnant
than a man made of gold
who's slippery tongue and tower
of glass shades the world in
aspects of power that lasts
forever or so it would seem
as I lift spirits inward today
and tomorrow both never to
borrow of his files we spit and
we curse them till death do we stand.
Nothing more gracious
than a man made of wood
who's hospitality and favor
for our well being asks but a
pittance to savor this life
as I rush toward the spiral
and cheer in his passions
so dear is the planning and sowing which
on solid built platforms never stops growing to
hold us together as one with his art.
Nothing more hollow than
a man made of steam
who's sputtering and spurting
pushes empty promises forward
to another day flirting his flaws
in scattered echoes that
remind us how he was
such a bountiful ocean does
courageously, now evaporated
and shallow in all purpose.
Nothing more timeless than
a man made of stone
who's cold stare at our mistakes
forgets his grieving muse and
what lays bare to his soul
should it cast a shadow on our
desire recites over time what
we knew would transpire with
then and learn from his wisdom
to become who we are.
Nothing more stoic
than a man made of blood
who's hands are blistered from
toil for his family's well being
and never resisted any seeing or calling
to speak truth for it is his
power begins beyond any god
made by man who will rise
as the flesh holds all
precious contents within.
Nothing more heinous
than a man made of lead
who's deceit with all living
gives uneasy decisions for
gain under orders and leaves
the mind queazy as he rains
down his harm to those who would
not hear his lies for the
thunder of empire he
gathers all our dust in trade.
Nothing more balanced
than a man made of salt
whose firm ethics are moral
with whomever he waits with
no matter to consequences how great
as they are freely awarded to
him as he ponders what
next journey wonders hold
for all of our days
spent healing each other.
Sunday, August 21, 2016
Trip talkin Boys - Headin
Trip talkin Boys - Headin
to the Delta where the
Blues is the life and more
for me to play with in this
sphere - who causes that
Time change to be so real
that the few white boys
who understand search out
the kings of the genre while
they still reside on our wave-
length - That's a curious
piece of Mojo I got me and
I always have it with me
where I go and How I live
- yo, the man said it, "I'm
a voodoo child, Lawd Knows"...
Thursday, August 18, 2016
How many WHENS ARE
How many WHENS ARE
there in this TIME?
WHERE Do they reside on
my drive? Seems like
A good use of space
But can we proceed as
planned with our pickle
in the envelope pushed
AND this TIMe is only
as good as it gets
while forever is only
as long as it lasts.
Sunday, August 14, 2016
Time has a firm grip
Time has a firm grip
and a strong handshake
it calls the past - what
has happened remains with
us for many conclusions with
few rewards but many hours
of enjoyment if your brain
has a fertile hold on skill
and concept - what once
was is only revoked in
the original reality it was
assembled within - the
delay sequence varies, but the
details can and often do get
edited depending on your
circumstances, recall ability
or belief system. Some may
challenge this against you
should passion come into
play or other factors without
regard to solemn script or
construct - But do keep in
mind that Time has very
few rules and can break
them as it sees fit when
it deems the program needs
prescription - Time can do
whatever it pleases when
it structures memory past.
Friday, August 12, 2016
my guitars laugh at me
my guitars laugh at me
they stare at me from across
my room and bury their
sweet songs in my arrested
Time's ego - When I was
a younger man and how they
ridicule my supposed misjudgment
to caress them nightly - How
they once tested my love
of the medium and now
just lament - The strewn
pity of an almost broken
spirit and the dreams not
realized, though kept at a
distance of my own inner
strength and weakness too…
There were some moments -
Time enjoyed and captured by
the imaginations of friends
long gone - pretense of glory
built to withstand the hardness
of life, brief as it was, and
thought to have lasted forever
- we were there, in the bask
of light and smoke of gatherings
- we gave them their fun if
only for fleeting, and we
got it back a hundred fold.
Then all was gone as
if crushed and repackaged
- relined and revived then
more and more just faint
echoes of drowned out fury
until only shadows of smoke
remained and then that was
gone too - syncopation dissipation
with other responsibilities brought
to the surface in this sea of
consciousness… As the
guitars laugh at me from across
the room as their wooden bodies
age and grow harder and harder
unlike me…
Saturday, August 6, 2016
Always meant to be
Always meant to be
there on and with AND
in you - WANTED: I saw
the who of it all and then
heard the what of it would
be a blast in my egos pants
but that really was never
the point - my totally
inspired and extremely over-
ACTIVE imagination and inner
minds eye would coalesce
a drop of forever LUST in
the heart of aloneness
sometimes for days on
end without end or beginning
for that matter or anti-matter
- it would drift on my being
to think of you that way -
A fantasy's fantasy in a dream
by day and thoughts explosion
by night - The you of it all
made succulent through
attempted astral projection
- what an alternate reality
that buzz would become
- Alchemy preserve us
from apparent mistakes.
Wednesday, August 3, 2016
my mistress is my thought
my mistress is my thought
Not a plural but one that
continues at length for as
Long as imagination saves
me - This too is pattern
in Time that is absorbed
through the psyche like a
Trusted remedy for the common
cold - And as for the common
Good there is a Need to
keep Laughter AND High Spirits
out in front of your
plan to stay Alive and to
feel the need to hold ALL
Fear in it's well of despair. // <
Sunday, July 31, 2016
Punk hippies swirling in
Punk hippies swirling in
my heading and weaving
in my bedding - How sad
I am not - Pink pippies
hijacked in my stockings
some of the tunes are rocking
- crazy life gives me a
Pleasure - white yuppies
are such sick puppies - The only
Time for then is now in all
our equal pods of surface
tension - Mounted on subwoofer
Dreams and the only good Blues
is the Blues you've LIVED to
sing About - ABstract Eminor •••
Friday, July 29, 2016
The prophet told of the
The prophet told of the
seven freedoms inherent
in the discussions of our
dissident Life - it wasn't
much of separate classes
to distinguish from one another
as it was a reflex to the
abounding state of stories
both told and untold in this
ocean of Truth unending
- we can swim toward this
goal or leave a blank page in
our heart for the interpretations
of all fools choices.
Wednesday, July 27, 2016
Strangers asking forgiveness
Strangers asking forgiveness
on the eve of remembering correct answers will
always win a heart or two in the corner of twilight.
We can only postpone for so long and there are
no favors given once the house burns down and
they steal our retirement funds - for my money
it's a long drawn out, knock down what have you
- but I'm confident the spillage will activate that
last stupid insurance membrane as I leave the
station aboard the last train at midnight ---
You can't ever show the real colors of truth to the
silver tongue official with a blank stare he's hiding
behind on the interrupt of regularly scheduling
programmables - or our ladies unmentionables
which we will defend the honor of at all costs ---
There's the train whistle again for the 11:03
- TIME to wax your butt, have at sit down so to
wait out this storm ---
Strive LOVE.
Sunday, July 24, 2016
Bring on the emergency
Bring on the emergency
diodes And let the cynics
be damned for their loyalty
to trivial things such as
orange sherbet and eight
millimeter porn for the
Archbishop's Man Cave.
I'll always dance to
A tune played thru the
victrola once the Time
comes around to get me
a seat in the house of twice
bitten once shy and the second
coming was cancelled due
to bad whether.
Tuesday, July 19, 2016
Do you
Do you
think this blood goes
with that blood? Does
the color and type suit
your speeches at the
rally of things?
Would you
speak up for them as
they would speak up
for you?
Do you
truly understand who
enemy is - or are you
blowing hot air over
false patriot whims?
Thursday, July 14, 2016
Oh so Lovely on a plate
Oh so Lovely on a plate
of want. The lesser
is great while the most
will admonish as my
inkling touches your inklet
and we are all together.
So is the tired of us and
also in a midst of air I
grieve for all before - me
a simple man with a plan
of none - should we ever
slight this in a mild Time
of regress I will be the first
to administer last rites.
Sunday, July 10, 2016
"What Time is it," the idiot
"What Time is it," the idiot
said? It's not what, but
where. It's not when, it's
whose. It's all of our
Time to be in and a part
of - everyplace at once, or
none at anyplace but it
doesn't matter if where
is here and whose is us
and gravity holds us all
to it and space is what
we take upon our laugh at
the only clear choice ever
to take a chance in this limited
partnership. Just go ask
your councilor.
Monday, July 4, 2016
your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your freedom is a lie your 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Tuesday, June 28, 2016
Your exhibition title disturbs me to
Your exhibition title disturbs me to
all ends of earth and space how you
came to these conclusions is quite
unacceptable even during courses of
our past friendshipishness you should
rethink your positions as to what really
constitutes 'suffering is optional' 'cuz
nothing is further from the Truth old
friend. No iota. Nothing.
Saturday, June 25, 2016
Lonely missiles seeking context on
Lonely missiles seeking context on
orders of neocons hoping for non
existence of the 'useless eaters' that
Heinz Kiss spoke before I wished
him into the cornfield, (silly douche).
What ever became of times are changing
when they never really ever have or will
be only an arm length hazard against
my Truth and Justice for only an insane
can control this sphere - film at eleven.
Our nakedness once amused is now
encased in silos of hate and jealousy
as screams are heard on river banks
taken over by contractors with ample
brass encased lead for use on us all.
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
while a little for oft is our finding when
while a little for oft is our finding when
we sell off our birthrights to devils in
sheepish once we get our bearings so
we were astonished as in Tales to
Astonish where Iron Man was born.
give us this day our daily grease and
give us a moment while we hide all
the evidence from prying eyes of justice
which never existed for dark skinned
heroes or those i adore so.
gather your virtue from under your
closets and hang all your laundry dirty
as is to dry out in remorse but you'll
never play that game only your tepid
chances to undermine mine for yours.
Friday, June 17, 2016
When the phone rings I become
When the phone rings I become
insolvent and liquid is not such
the evil enemy as some fabric of
conspirators would lead you to
Once the lifeboat sinks we can
begat anew against our roman
candles and string cheese and
barking dogs give me the runs
As I pondered week and worry
over many a curio cabinet lost
in the ozone of my volley ball
team composed of naked ladies
If only love breaks your heart
why do they prescribe Time to
heal it rather than opiates given
twice daily or weeks in the knee
Such is appetite of erect monsters
in vacation on my often plagued
figurines own display with license
to incense and peppermint will kill
Monday, June 13, 2016
book four titles running
book four titles running
how many WHENS ARE
Punk hippies swirling in
meant to be Trip talkin Boys
Barcoded warriors have
has a firm grip
my mistress is my thought
my guitars laugh at me
but at least understanding
Friday, June 10, 2016
You should take this word
You should take this word
to stack on top of another
then under all of that
there is public domain.
You should hide this word
from all evil and villainy
which could pose a threat
to any condiments for peace.
You should swallow this word
and digest it with poetic justice
for every drop of Truth becomes
a win against barrels of lies.
You should keep this word
and all others like it for all
your days and break it's
glass in case of emergency.
Have you guessed this word?
Monday, June 6, 2016
unattainable accidents
unattainable accidents
misgiving lapses in
aerial circumference
do what you like, just not on me
i suppose they were being science
fiction when the right reign never
was right as rain
selling me a line to use again on
this river of used references and
us though the temptation of
aerial ballrooms
most for the fun of it, but never out of date.
Saturday, June 4, 2016
circle closures screaming squares
circle closures screaming squares
tense triangles pornographic polygons
mud be a wench tonight
be a trove of cereal to rot our
childrens teeth amongst the
stars and poison only works on
seriously deprived non-refundable solvent venture
capitalist swine monkeys given all honor away
as is wont with their code of doo dah day.
such is such is much all much and bound for
california in an aqua turn of events forgotten.
I will be done on earth as it is in reruns.
Wednesday, June 1, 2016
"Nothing is Abstract," I
"Nothing is Abstract," I
heard the madman cry out
in the streets of rational
thought. We are all very
complex beings, as any 'real'
madman can attest to. Our
inner abstractions contribute to
unrealistic desires, and wants.
Our needs are simple enough,
and much easier to comprehend.
But our desires are quite
enough to send some people
screaming with total unease into
the depths of disregard. A
formidable dilemma most
certainly to task the most
ambitious psychoanalist
into a froth of their
choosing. The breakdown
and re-assembly of
structure within these
thinking caves is what
drives us both to and
from all critical thought.
We are who we are, but
we wish we were
another. Curiosity may
have killed the cat, but
it will always lead us
into various states of
dis-repair. Oz has
Saturday, May 28, 2016
Standing outside the circle
Standing outside the circle
of my innocence , I can
see more, though not
necessarily clearer.
I've come to this point
for many reasons, but
mostly for answers
with the growth mixed
in. No one ever said
it was easy, and
they never said it would
change either. That's
the role of chance.
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
As they lower our friends into the ground
As they lower our friends into the ground
as they corrupt the void with their swill
as they speak lies for Truth, war for peace
as they hold the cards up sleeves of deceit.
Never accept sincerity from a smiling elite.
Saturday, May 21, 2016
tear down the mountain
tear down the mountain
the one made of fear
the one that still plagues us
all sorrowful year.
tear down the mountain
their puppets in the cap'
blow up all the lies told
propaganda and crap.
tear down the mountain
paperwork they hide
myth of transparency
became our suicide
tear down the mountain
the rulers of kings
their lawyers and councils
and all vile things
tear down the mountain
they tell us all lies
to divide and defeat us
against each other's despise
tear down the mountain
the court had it's day
they stole all the power
and gave it away
tear down the mountain
the corporate stain
make more ammunition
inflict much more pain
tear down the mountain
we don't need your stuff
there's too many choices
and way too much fluff
tear down the mountain
we don't need your cars
your beer and your burgers
and your dancing with stars
tear down the mountain
your idols your mtv
all that sick infotainment
don't mean shit to me
tear down the mountain
of all the earth's pain
from sea to acidy sea
and up the streams again
tear down the mountain
but leave the mountains of trees
the forests and fields
that they've brought to it's knees
tear down the mountain
of machines of bad air
their plastic filled oceans
take ice from white bear
tear down the mountain
their generals, and arms
don't give into their reasons
there's money in harm
tear down the mountain
say no to their hate
please don't enlist
it isn't too late
tear down the mountain
they know how we'll pick
when one organizes
they kill them real quick
tear down the mountain
stop all genocide
stand up to their minions
we will never hide
tear down the mountain
they fear us for peace
we must stand together
to stop their disease
tear down the mountain
where the elite hide within
from all the bad weather
that's coming for them.
Thursday, May 19, 2016
You can't hold candles up to a light in
You can't hold candles up to a light in
a sun parlor and expect to see a clear
picture of what exists in this surface of
non-committal dreams and want for the
ask… I have spent lives holding lust for
accounts of all my hearts broken and not
once did I receive any thanks for maintaining
a semblance of decorum or restraint in the
manner of revenge for any action thrown
in the mixture against me or my assigns…
The only way through this path is to vent
that love and accept the truth as though
it was a cycle to improve all that is sacred
in your life. Find all your inner demons and
expel them, or at the least, keep them tied
up in chains in the well of fear, never to
find their way out of your Qi evermore.
This is my advice to advance toward a better
understanding of any and all conditions
that we encounter with the various storms
of life thrown at our wants and needs…
You my young one, who is embarking on this
wonderful journey on this sphere need to
understand the more of the Time in this the
space and the history of all that you wish to
follow and emulate toward a similar goal…
It is your generation that now holds a key to
continue in the great balance of all that is
poised to exist on this Time plain and to
take that key to unlock a further secret that
all the gens before you - such is the aspect
of discovery, knowledge, and ultimately the
wisdom, which is at the root trial why we
are here - to accumulate all answered
questions and fulfill the Akashic Records
expanding the sum of all that is.
Thursday, May 12, 2016
My Grandfather was a
My Grandfather was a
Teamster - a true union
man - The fuck did it get
him - Laid off from driving
and cleaning out shithouses
so I could have a good dinner
- he died at 60 in the
alley of our house we rented
the third floor of - A lot
to show for it - A goddamn
wreath at his funeral - Big
fuckin whoop my mom, his
daughter would say - All things
being equal are not entirely
true when the clothes are removed.
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
Frosted madmen...USED TO
Frosted madmen...USED TO
• • • - - - • • •
Monday, May 9, 2016
who left the players counting
who left the players counting
the balls that rolled down the
sewer during stickball 'tourney
back in '61 when Mantle and
Maris were the kings of that
most sportsman like game and
rock n' roll was getting ready
for it's next decade and
my tongue would be in a black
girls mouth in the back of
the bus - that was the taste
of youth and the girl and
boy games were electrical.
Friday, May 6, 2016
Many words and several sciences later
Many words and several sciences later
they used all their money on uselessness
of latter day saints and the sinners took
a semi-conscience delivery toward any
identity left out in the sun for days.
Tuesday, May 3, 2016
I've been to Kansas in the dark and saw
I've been to Kansas in the dark and saw
the fields of wheat and heard irrigation
pumps you like a wild dream of invasion
through which you plummet but wish
you had learned more covers of ZZ Top.
I've been to Las Vegas in the blinding
daylight's heat so dry your head lost
it's head on spin with porn all around
you but none to be ordered in as we
filmed my tv show on the strip's fly.
I've been to Massachusetts with the
radio on, (Jonathan), and always
remembered to remember the power
accordionist with the Ampeg amp
at my great-grandparents anniversary.
I've been to New york City in the snow
rain and hail of fire as I watched the
changing guard kill the spirits of character
that made this city great so much so that
I stayed to witness the false flag chorus.
I've been to Seattle where Hendrix and
Cobain got off first and last while I got
to hold urges against my husbandry vows
and let all those pretty bodies glide past
my erect vicissitudes while left in sadness.
Friday, April 29, 2016
Bla - e - Blob… I always loved
Bla - e - Blob… I always loved
pictures of naked people over
over Time lost on a cup of forgive
while the circus screams in
the background of inner focus
for all worthwhile prescriptions
kept in the drawer of waiting
for help to arrive but never
does… when I see the eye-
lash monster look at me
seriously and tells our peers
to become our enemies
when does the clock go
wrong when it turns back from
when it was engaged to a
piper in a pink lame´suit
as if such nonsense exists
in our universe of shame…
when you drove me to live
and I paid the toll of fortune
not guaranteed by prophets
awash'd in ecocide journals
or non coherent scribbles
by charlatan artists I sent
to the grave for matters un-
rehearsed… make them all
aware of it's existence for
Time is not alone but will
surely miss the bus if we
all stop talking - then the
last seance of babbling
like an idiot's ghost on fire
will be content as soon as
dinner is done cooking on
the facts of stove -
Bla - e - Blob...
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