Wednesday, December 31, 2014

This nightmare…these people in distress these

This nightmare…these people in distress these
dead children these beautiful humans all for what
purpose for corporate profit and the stooges that
work for them for what purpose for champagne
and yachts for millions and broken backs of the
minions for tuxedos and gowns and diamonds
and profits to sustain them…

What price for these deaths and misery caused
by these monsters in charge of everything in
charge of what is sacred and turned into deep
perversions what is their logic to suspend the
human race into a heartless cold deep thoughtless
tide of death destruction and malice beyond all
measurable limits...

The fallen and few given the order to crush down
the chosen the innocent the mattered the blood
they have splattered abandon all hope and trust
in your cycle as we witness forward the only
unmentionable acts of what they wrought upon
the despair in the mass of humankind wonder
why it is so in this sphere of insane…


as you drink a toast to what matters most to you
in this sphere on this Time once again to celebrate
what you think is important and all you hold dear
as you believe that your privilege trumps all other
suffering in this life...I shout out to you all again:


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