Saturday, July 11, 2015

I have said all that is needed for now on

I have said all that is needed for now on
this matter… if you feel the desire to pass
a judgement on those who oppress you
and the innocent, then follow your inner
voice… if you feel you should wish a type
of discomfort or hatred on your enemy, then
follow your inner voice… if you feel that a
course of action that is not a positive productive
one and would not alter the current situation
in any way, then follow your inner voice…

Retribution, revenge, vengeance, sounds
to me as the 'eye for an eye' workings of
the old testament, a book I do not ascribe
to be any solution to any problem concerning
human beings… but if you feel that wishing
any harm on your enemy will result in any
change with the course of events they have
wrought, then follow your inner voice…

my inner voice speaks toward what will help
guide us through all the tragedies of this sphere
and not for what useless negative wishes or
actions which would instill that same fear in
those who care not for our safety or well being…

Love is the only power worth having…

Love is the only energy to give to all…

Love's spirit will guide us to the better life within
and without…

my inner voice tells me to keep Love close to heart
and to give it freely…

Love is the only power that true-ly matters.

Time is gonna come…

Rev. Pete

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