Saturday, October 31, 2015

Worst night I ever spent

Worst night I ever spent
in my life was the Time

(garbled transmission)

         Beep-Beep-Beep -Whirrr
- whizzzzzzz - Beep-Beep

- you get the idear  .  2S0

Friday, October 30, 2015

which way subsides to

which way subsides to
the toward of Time, Truth,
the object of space and
gravity's virtue, force,
and occupation of forever-
ness --- Don't patronize
the pussy cloth dreams of
constitution's Realm - They,
your dreams and desires, ring
true to core - you will hold
that vision within all truth
to encompass a whole witness.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

There's no accounting for inside

There's no accounting for inside
out or upside down - side to
side or bottom over top - it's
all 3D and (I guess…) all
good - Should we persuade
the sphere to tilt ever so
to slide in our favor for
a change in gravity pronouncement
then we shall be the quick
and the forgiving as the
taxi hails us, and the
waters pour pure on our
wretched naked bodies of

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

To this day, I have remained

To this day, I have remained
true and faithful to my
vows as a husband - A loyal
trust that has not been broken
despite what lust in my heart
and mind conjures - my
aim is still true… call
me a fool if you must -
call me a sucker waiting for a
prize that never comes - I
remain a man of truth, and
will forever try to maintain that
oath at the least.

Say what you will about less [October 27, 2015]

Say what you will about less
Time to do your thing my thing
against your thing is quite a
some-thing And our things
together equal sheer brilliance
in the midst of oyzoid provozoids
- And should this union of
SAID things be twixt our various
cleavages prove more profundant
that omnipotent, then speak now
or forever hold your thing.

Monday, October 26, 2015

oh you put me on the spot

oh you put me on the spot
(cue mister) I was out for
a walk (who me? what rot!)
when I came upon a child
of the universe (jes' lik' me')
and asked if I belonged
to the club - did I have any
rules about pre-ordained sex,
and were my teeth real or
not… I swear, there's just
no understanding once or twice...

Sunday, October 25, 2015

I really detest being in the

I really detest being in the
Brightest daylight - I hate
it for the total discomfort
I receive from it - No matter
what I do to avoid it or
protect myself - I burn.

I burn the slow burn and always
have - As a child the beach would
create the most heinous blisters
on my back while being in the
Sun only an hour - I burn in
the shade - And those awful
Sun block chemicals do not help
- they make me dizzy and no one
understands my pain.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

I sure don't subscribe

I sure don't subscribe
to your rag on how we
are this or that and
how it has come to what
it is and about when we
can sit down to discuss
who did us right or
wrong in the flavor
of Time held in honor
of who gets the greatest
portion of what-do-ya-call
-what we know, could
fill a Needle case,,,,,,,,,,

Friday, October 23, 2015

What will you do about

What will you do about
tomorrow… When the dog
bites you and the bear fights
you - As the wind calms you
before the storm hits your
mother's house on a hot night
in August… What will you
say you could honestly admit
that this Time really made a huge
difference in your life as you
roll over playing dead as the
band plays a song from our
distant past and it never
made all your sense then
but now it makes perfect
will you call some one to tell
them of your astounding revelation
- will it be me? I would
surely listen in utter amazement
and promise I would not say
that I told you so despite
the enormous temptation to do
so because we both know I
was right - In the finality
of it all though, would it
really make all that much of
a difference… yeah it
would, but right now you
don't see it yet - The
wind is a distraction
on your voucher toward
a new purchase of corporate
folly from the windows of
their hell - poured over all
of our replacements as we
dangle over the edge with
our regrets tearing apart the
fabric of all passions - you'll
never see it coming as it rips
apart your cushions and shreds
all comforts and devours all
sustenance so that Times cupboard
is in a state of virtual appeasement

- All bets off - All minds
clogged - All sums of wisdom
outlawed in a vortex of naught.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

When the clock strikes 'X'

When the clock strikes 'X'
it's Time to re-fathom the
synchronicity of ones wife
- This has been proven on
more than one occasion in
the swimming suit of old
fat women with painted toes
and good posture - They almost
always  carry fresh fruit
to help with thirst and hunger
and I will always treasure
the thoughts of birds awake
at four AM and singing songs
of life's - forever distance…

OH well… you'll never - [october 21, 2015]

OH well… you'll never
see the likes of this again
- it's A one shot deal - the
only way out is through the
eye of a needle and that's
pushing it - ALL Metaphors
aside, I don't have any
regrets - nor would I discuss
them here if I did, (well
maybe…) my only vice
is waiting for me outside
of the old catch tree, and
shade begets comfort for
souls too immersed in ION
drenched particle beams.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Four stations of the

Four stations of the
cross but which one?
- the iron cross? the Red
cross? the crucifix? The
Saint Andrews cross?
The railroad? Maybe that
one 'cuz it has many
stations - And who devised
that it's just for four
stations? why not three
or five or a hundred?
Notice how many questions
here. - A conspiracy theory
perhaps or just a diarrhea

Monday, October 19, 2015

It's hard, so

It's hard, so
very hard to
keep it intact
- sane and
with a purpose
defined in
stone & steel.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

We're dreaming

We're dreaming
always immersed in
polyphony spheres.
When the Art does
rise for us - And
we recognize
the occasion, only
then will peace be
preserved in this
our Time, only
Time sake...

Saturday, October 17, 2015


disbelief for
what is just and
truthful and what
are deceit and lies
turning lifelong
friends against
each other for
social upheaval
toward financial ties.

Friday, October 16, 2015

There will always be a Time

There will always be a Time
when we will reveal the
nature of our visit here -
As we move through space
this frame of Time does not
or very little to deviate from
the intention of our journeys.

When we meet once again as
we have in our past tense, and
as we will in our future tense,
it becomes apparent as to the
situation and the possibilities
to offer changes in the cosmic
record - Small editorial revisions
which do not alter the story as
whole = but perhaps slight circumstances
and scene changes.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

They have this rule about

They have this rule about
not complaining no matter
How badly you are mis-treated.
"There are those who are
far worse off than you
so be grateful you're not
one of them", They would
tell us constantly - Always
realize that anything less
than a smile and a blank
demeanor will be met as an
act of aggression and deemed
provocative by the state = war
is peace, lies are truth, etc…
As the man said - beware
those smiling liars.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

There's A Moment in

There's A Moment in
Time that is redacted
once you discover it -
Some call it a reverse
deja vu - I called it
Time un-tuned as it
covers my Pineal Gland
and upsets my Apple™ chart

- Next Time we can just
reminisce about memory
frames from pubescent altered
dichotomies and vanilla
milkshakes in Real Time.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

As smoke swirled around

As smoke swirled around
George Harrison's DuoJet
we drove a fondness for
all things aplenty - Once
we grew up thinking that
our necessity was less
than more and more than
girls we kept it to our
selves and that was our
biggest mistake to date

- I had this dream so
many times over the years
my space collapses just
thinking about it.

Monday, October 12, 2015

It's a game show

It's a game show
with no prizes. but
we have a lovely ceremony
and beautiful Babes who
freelance after the party
- It's all pre-ordained
in the basic plan - there
is no other plan to subscribe
to - it's our only offering
which will insure plenty of
docile paying members… ///

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Not withstanding or

Not withstanding or
should I say forever
octane in the soup of
science verbatim with
a side order of cancelled
checks and troubadours
weighted down by callous
flamingos on the lawn
of indecent prescribes

- do you young mother-
fuckers know who Allen
Ginsberg is ???!!!!

Saturday, October 10, 2015

So that once all the

So that once all the
goof balls in charge of
everything say 'fuck it'
then we'll be in phase
III of human development
- you know… The part where
all the order and cordial and
manners goes to shit and the
only way to survive is to
eat your cats food and
then your cats… when
I see them coming down
the street, I'll ask if
they know any Beatles songs.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Hate is such an extreme word

Hate is such an extreme word
- I disLike it here, or I've
grown to  - here's are Times most
where matters matter more and
Those Times where I again
must resume within the confines
of Frustration Nation - The under
bearance of it keeps a bottle
close to me - It's great sometimes
to be able to write, a providence
often neglected throughout my
Life, sometimes ignored, but,
mostly forgotten by dust in
a brain gone too far deep
toward Any much forseen.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

The correct pitch for

The correct pitch for
this instrument wouldn't
matter if not for structure
and concerns of space

- Time is all things
to all people in all places
all ways ~ It brings
with it a chorus of algorithms
in for the right conclusions is
a foregone matter and Anti
Time will be a subject for
another partner secluded in all
his effervescent glory.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Time's mistress recoiled in

Time's mistress recoiled in
a desert of wandering beats
whose poetry on the mantle
of souls is burned in our
minds eye and fools have
witnessed more beauty than
I. When built by truth's
hammer, we turn once again
to the prophet of the hour
and distinguished gazes
follow the disappointments
of children on christmas
morning - We MUST correct.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Once removed from happy-ness

Once removed from happy-ness
twice removed from sorrow -
it's only Time that we live
here in - Not a complex context
or content to be content…

When you feel an exit coming
on, follow thru - but never
ever follow the leader except
in childhood games or band
rehearsal… I get the feeling
you're done with me but I
don't know what to do about
that… mean for myself…

I always fail the one who
says to keep relentless
= And so we will stage an
appearance of animal lust
all over the shower and bed
but if you don't tell anyone
what Time it is, how can you
be absolutely certain that the
broken clock is correct twice
a day at the least, three at
the most and whatever you
do don't touch the lever or
the laboratory blows up and
then we have to exit the
theatre - AND for gods sake
don't loose change.^^^^^...

Monday, October 5, 2015

It's going to be a Long

It's going to be a Long
Hot Summer when
we get through this
Time of our life

- What do you think
causes this dysfunctional
oblivion within the
cause and effect of
our rental agreement?

- Is it the lack of good

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Is it really a perfect world

Is it really a perfect world
where for every laugh there
is a tear shed? Is the balance
of the universe so tuned, or
possibly just in this sphere?
Do we think better alone, or
through discussion together…
These things begin our practice
of thoughts concerned during
the precious time we concur
within - always ready to
pose another Answer, are you
willing to admit the conduit
contains it's own spheres and
Times and begins again with
renewed interest •

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Reams of words and diagrams

Reams of words and diagrams
spaces for dots dashes crisses
And crosses And MORE or
Less punctuational customs
from other worldly corners
of my room -------- greetings
from Newark New Jersey - Land
of my birth and early life
as a role model before the
New Times - The after Times
when shaving became religious
and the ALTER was portable
for all to see if they wished

- Still dreaming of new ways
to get rid of stuff…

keep it all floating xxx

Friday, October 2, 2015

Once, I had glitter in

Once, I had glitter in
my hair - And not that
faux phony stuff - I'm
talking the old fashion 70's
glass chips glitter! - Took
several days of shower
to rid my scalp of it,
but the beautiful soul
who put it there, was a
good comrade - A true
honest soul, The Elf, was
his moniker, and he
was/is loved dearly...

Thursday, October 1, 2015

OH, I'm sorry did you

OH, I'm sorry did you
confuse your demons for
mine? - You must have dialed
the wrong number, or focused
an ill connection or some such
bad offering of misunderstanding

- And that is the key to our
ills here - A guidance gone
awry and not entirely on
point or purpose…Time has
a beautiful way of healing
space and function and brings
forth a forgiveness for the
parts that break including
promises and silence.