Monday, February 15, 2016

They hate us for our freedoms, or so

They hate us for our freedoms, or so
I have been told
so the gubmit takes our freedoms away
now they won't hate us any mo'

Shoot, shoot, shoot, they won't
hate us any mo'.
You just shoot, shoot, shoot,
they won't hate us any mo'.

The pres'dent has toad us, dat
when Tuesday morn' has come
he'll pick a brown skinned human
drone him kingdom come.

Bomb, bomb, bomb, they won't
hate us any mo'.
You must bomb, bomb, bomb,
they won't hate us any mo'.

Here is the question of all matters
at hand for simple reason unknown
land I loved is now justice endangered
oh my how the fascists have grown.

Stomp, stomp, stomp, we hate
you all the mo'.
Stomp, stomp, stomp, we hate
you all the mo'.

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