Tuesday, April 12, 2016

I submit to cold steel in

I submit to cold steel in
my room of desperate color
strings on a grid of twelve Times
twenty one give or take an only
voice who cares about less
fortunate than any ever I found
kneeling in my house of prayers
continue sinking but always
seeing brave worthwhile and
seeking homey's to be with
friends of thee I sing while
they gather a beat and turn a
deaf ear on these our brethren
I only stitch a wound for
Times cold dinner

I submit to cold steel in very
unpleasant cubes and wonder
how it all came to this as I
was just minding my same
0 same 0… when wind
finds you and knocks you
over the only way out is thru
your own dimension in warps
and wraps and girls named
yvonne or darlene or Lorraine
as I practice tongue kissing
and tit sucking in the adams
theater of newark oh sweet
sweet youth

I submit to cold steel in
one transport to carry me
wayward over vast lineage of
asphalt and concrete abyss of
only in amerika can you feel
worthless in a Time you own
how they suffered over this
landescape of folly by admission
becomes a destitute landing
by fathers whose purpose is
swindle murder and love of country
stolen by all who came with them
in a heat of pretense never to
accept defeat for kings and thus
promoted and subdued

I submit to cold steel in
the only form it takes to
load particles of lead brass and
powder for political gain or
monetary relief or love forsaken
which ever comes first when
we fall out of this sphere unto
the next the pain becomes a
lesson to all those breathing in
the penniless assembly for only
we truly know the value of
life and what it takes to
cause substantial virtue.

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